convert date string to epoch in awk
In a program I need to convert date string like 2015-01-15 09:23:19 to epoch.
Suppose I have a text file a.txt like this:
2015-01-15 09:23:19
2015-01-15 09:23:30
2015-01-15 09:24:21
At first , I use shell to do it.
awk script1
awk -F"\t" '{
cmd="date -d \""$1"\" +%s";
cmd|getline epoch;
print $1;
}' a.txt > epoch.txt
Then, I use the mktime funciton in awk to do it:
awk -F"\t" '{
split(a, vec, " ")
split(vec[1], ymd,"-")
a=ymd[1]" "ymd[2]" "ymd[3]" "hms[1]" "hms[2]" "hms[3]
print $3"\t"$4"\t"$13"\t"mktime(a)
}' a.txt > epoch.txt
I compared this two methods to a 5 million line file. The first method takes several hours to do it while the second takes only about 1 min! The difference is amazing.